The primary goal of the project is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of Latvia’s cohesion policy since 1999, encompassing everything from data collection to international comparative reviews. 

The project's diverse components can be categorised into several groups, each requiring specialised focus yet remaining part of a cohesive whole:

  • Societal Cohesion and Identity Formation: cohesion, cooperation, and trust in Latvian society, blending philosophical and legal insights on national identity and civic activism.
  • Media Environment, Information Resilience, Media Literacy and Democratic Values: assessment of the Latvian media's role in shaping public trust and resilience, focusing on its adaptability, civic engagement, and content creation to ensure a resilient information ecosystem.
  • Language and Cultural Integration: the Latvian language's role in societal integration and cultural participation, collective identity and cohesion within Latvia's diverse society.
  • Socio-Economic Impact and Sustainable Development: civil society's socio-economic impact on mental health, quality of life, and well-being, exploring its contributions to sustainable development, environmental innovation, and social inclusion.

These categories span from the abstract to the tangible: a) philosophical and abstract concepts; b) informational and ideological landscape; c) socio-economic realities; d) material and geographical realities (environment, geography, and their societal implications).