Working group A "Sociology" will employ sociological data collection via surveys of different demographic groups to gather their views on their sense of national identity, sense of belonging, civic togetherness, views and experiences with social and geographical mobility, and sense of mutual trust.

  • Dr. sc. soc. Ilze Koroļeva
  • Dr. sc. soc. Inta Mieriņa
  • Dr. sc. soc. Inese Šūpule
  • Mag. sc. hum. Ginta Elksne
  • PhD Maija Krūmiņa

Working group B "Socioeconmic research" will focus on social and economical impacts analysing Latvian socio-economic practices in relation to ethnic groups, including newcomers, and overall social and geographical mobility.

  • Dr. sc. soc. Vladislavs Volkovs
  • PhD student, Mg. oec. Inese Ratanova

Working group C "Identity and values, main concepts" will conceptualise framework of constitutional identity, civic values and main ideas of social concepts analysing legal frameworks, history of Latvian societal community sense and history of ideas, ideologies that have affected belonging, collective resilience, trust, and participation in social activities and social inclusion practices.

  • Dr. phil. Māris Kūlis
  • Dr. iur. Jānis Pleps
  • Dr. habil. phil. Maija Kūle
  • Dr. phil. Igors Gubenko
  • PhD student, Mg. phil. Kitija Mirončuka

Working group D "Compassion of community" will address the change of lifestyle and socio-spatial differentiation, addressing the nature of migration patterns and ethnic diversity in rural vs. urban spatial territories and how it affects life quality.

  • PhD Dace Dzenovska
  • Dr. geogr. Līga Feldmane

Working group E "Media literacies" will deliver an intricate analysis of the necessity for robust media literacy that is crucial for social cohesion when disinformation is uncontrolled and truth is challenged.

  • Dr. paed. Zanda Rubene
  • Dr. sc. administr. Ireta Čekse
  • Dr. sc. comm. Mārtiņš Kaprāns
  • Dr. phil. Rihards Kūlis
  • PhD Agnese Lastovska

Working group F "Value of language" will analyse the dynamics of the Latvian language situation in relation to global and regional sociolinguistic processes, legal, pedagogical and linguistic aspects of national language policy, and the dominant narrative of the media and social networking sites that influence language learning and use.

  • Dr. habil. philol. Ina Druviete
  • Dr. phil. Elvīra Šimfa
  • PhD student, Mg. phil. Marta Valdmane

Working group G "Resilience, togetherness, mental well-being" will provide insights into the significant influence of societal cohesion, resilience, and security by analysing the well-being of civil society and the psychoanalytic aspects through different approaches (Freudian analysis, discursive analysis, etc.).

  • Dr. phil. Igors Šuvajevs
  • PhD student, Mg. psych. Mārtiņš Priedols

Working group H "Jurisprudence" will analyse aspects of security and sense of collective social identity through the legal perspective of Latvian legislation.

  • Dr. iur. Artūrs Kučs
  • Dr. iur. Jānis Lazdiņš
  • PhD student, Mg. iur. Signe Skutele
  • PhD student, Mg. iur. Daira Sergejeva

Working group I "Open Science" will dedicate its efforts to advancing the principles of open science, emphasising a grassroots approach.

  • Kaspars Lielgalvis
  • Herta Pugača
  • Linda Ulāne