In accordance with the State Research Programme "Development of a cohesive and civically active society" 2023–2025 project application, SRP projects need to fulfill all the tasks set out in Section 6 of the order of the Cabinet of Ministers:

6.1. to research and develop a new knowledge base on current trends in the field of cohesion, cooperation and mutual trust in Latvian society, in different social and demographic groups, including youth, ethnic minorities, newcomers, their causes and reasons, including:

6.1.1. the development of Latvian statehood, belonging to the Republic of Latvia and national identity;

6.1.2. civil society activity in the context of formal and informal self-organisation, social and geographical mobility, access to services, rural depopulation, regional distancing, which determine changes in people's choices and behaviour, including their sense of identity and belonging, social relations and solidarity among themselves;

6.1.3. the impact of the information environment, media and digital services on public cooperation, mutual trust, trust in state and local government institutions and the overall psychological resilience of society, as well as the impact of civic engagement on the creation, use and distribution of media content, including on the resilience and competitiveness of the Latvian media environment;

6.1.4. the cohesion of Latvian society, seen in the context of the acquisition and use of the national language in society;  

6.2. to research and create a new knowledge base on the media literacy of Latvian society and social groups (especially children and young people, those who widely use digital media and content available on digital platforms, as well as those who live in the border areas of Latvia and the European Union), as well as on the promotion of media literacy, including information literacy and critical thinking in Latvia, its development trends and its role in the decision-making processes of citizens, both at individual and civic level, strengthening democratic values in general;

6.3. to develop approaches to assess the social and economic impact of civil society, in particular on people's quality of life and well-being, mental health, fulfilment, participation and social inclusion, environment and climate, and social innovation, by increasing knowledge and understanding of the past and potential contribution of civil society to these areas and to sustainable national development.