The project will produce peer-reviewed publications in different fields and engage policymakers to develop implementable recommendations, thus significantly contributing to social cohesion and civil society research. In addition, the project includes open science activities with a strong focus on science communication to ensure wide dissemination and impact.

  • On 5 February 2024, Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre hosted a discussion "Savējie un svešie – no "Skatuves" dēļiem līdz mūsdienu Latvijai = Insiders and Outsiders - from the "Stage" boards to contemporary Latvia" as part of the discussion series "Bez punkta uz i = Without a dot on the i". The discussion is organised in cooperation with the State Research Programme "Vectors of Societal Cohesion", implemented by a consortium of researchers led by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. The aim of the cooperation is to unite the forces of art and science by engaging a wide and diverse audience in an open, respectful and competent conversation on issues of importance for Latvian society.
    • A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Youtube.
    • A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on LSM repository.
  • On 20 February 2024, a meeting on cultural planning in Čiekurkalns took place. Organised by Kaspars Lielgalvis in cooperation with representatives of Čiekurkalna Development Association and Čiekurkalna Culture Association "Jugoli". 
    • More about the event (in Latvian) on Facebook.
  • On 12 March 2024, an event on leisure opportunities for Čiekurkalna seniors took place. Organised by Kaspars Lielgalvis in collaboration with the Riga Central Library and Irīna Krilo.
    • More about the event (in Latvian) on Facebook.
  • On 18 March 2024,an event on leisure opportunities for young people in Čiekurkalna took place. Organised by Kaspars Lielgalvis in collaboration with Free Riga and Sandris Mūriņš.
    • More about the event (in Latvian) on Facebook.
  • On 5 February 2024, Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre  as part of the discussion series "Bez punkta uz i = Without a dot on the i" hosted a discussion on the artist's responsibility, contextually drawing parallels also with the latest theatre production "Gogol. Portrait", which premiered on 11 May. The discussion is organised in cooperation with the State Research Programme "Vectors of Societal Cohesion", implemented by a consortium of researchers led by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. The aim of the cooperation is to unite the forces of art and science by engaging a wide and diverse audience in an open, respectful and competent conversation on issues of importance for Latvian society.
    • A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Youtube
    • A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on LSM repository.
    • A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Delfi repozitorijā
    • Information about the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Kultūras rondo ēterā.
  • On 11 July 2024,  gada 11. jūlijā a residents' walk "Kaiju ielas noslēpumi" was organised in Jaunliepāja in collaboration with artist Irina Tīre, Jaunliepāja resident Ērika Korāte. Organised in collaboration with the project's open science expert Lindu Ulāni.
  • On 24 July 2024, in colaboration with Gulbene County Library a meeting for Gulbene residents was hosted with cultural sociologist, educator, active Liepāja resident and volunteer Linda Ulāne. Organised in collaboration with the project's open science experts Linda Ulāne, Herta Pugača.
  • On 4 September 2024, in colaboration with Gulbene County Library a creative writing event was held for Gulbene residents with cultural sociologist, educator, active Liepāja resident and volunteer Linda Ulāne. Organised in collaboration with the project's open science experts Linda Ulāne, Herta Pugača.