In cooperation with the University of Latvia at the event "Zinātnieku nakts 2024"
- On 27 September 2024, public workshop on cohesion "Saliedētības lietussagi = Umbrellas of cohesion" was held. The event was moderated by Kitija Mirončuka, Ginta Elksne, Maija Krūmiņa, Riga, Latvia.
In cooperation with the conversation festival "LAMPA"
- On 5 July 2024, the conversation "Kāda ir Latvijas sabiedrības kopābūšanas nākotne? = What is the future of coexistence in Latvian society?" was organised at the conversation festival "Lampa" in Cesis, Latvia The discussion is organised by Māris Kūlis. Participants: Zanda Rubene, Ireta Čekse, Kaspars Lielgalvis, Kitija Mirončuka, Jēkabs Dzenītis.
In cooperation with Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre
- On 5 February 2024, Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre hosted a discussion "Savējie un svešie – no "Skatuves" dēļiem līdz mūsdienu Latvijai = Insiders and Outsiders - from the "Stage" boards to contemporary Latvia" as part of the discussion series "Bez punkta uz i = Without a dot on the i". The discussion is organised in cooperation with the State Research Programme "Vectors of Societal Cohesion", implemented by a consortium of researchers led by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. The aim of the cooperation is to unite the forces of art and science by engaging a wide and diverse audience in an open, respectful and competent conversation on issues of importance for Latvian society. Moderated by Lolita Tomsone, with Artūrs Dīcis, Elīna Reitere, Vents Sīlis, Vita Zelče, Inta Mieriņa and Jeļena Matjakubova.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Youtube.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on LSM repository.
- On 13 May 2024, Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre as part of the discussion series "Bez punkta uz i = Without a dot on the i" hosted a discussion on the artist's responsibility, contextually drawing parallels also with the latest theatre production "Gogol. Portrait", which premiered on 11 May. The discussion is organised in cooperation with the State Research Programme "Vectors of Societal Cohesion", implemented by a consortium of researchers led by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. The aim of the cooperation is to unite the forces of art and science by engaging a wide and diverse audience in an open, respectful and competent conversation on issues of importance for Latvian society. Moderated by Deniss Hanovs, with Laura Groza, Sandra Krastiņa, Indulis Paičs, Rvīns Varde and Kaspars Lielgalvis.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Youtube.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on LSM repository.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Delfi repozitorijā
- Information about the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Kultūras rondo ēterā.
- On 16 September 2024, Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre as part of the discussion series "Bez punkta uz i = Without a dot on the i" hosted a discussion on social and psychological issues concerning children and young people. The discussion took place after the premiere of "Cinderella" at the Chekhov Theatre. The discussion is organised in cooperation with the State Research Programme "Vectors of Societal Cohesion", implemented by a consortium of researchers led by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. The aim of the cooperation is to unite the forces of art and science by engaging a wide and diverse audience in an open, respectful and competent conversation on issues of importance for Latvian society. Moderated by Edgars Barbaks, with participation of Kristīne Garklāva, Artjoms Kalacs, Ireta Čekse, Kaspars Markševics and Inese Lapsiņa.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Chekhov Theatre Facebook page.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Chekhov Theatre Youtube channel.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on LSM repository.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Delfi repository.
- On 4 November, 2024, Mikhail Chekhov Riga Russian Theatre hosted a discussion "Sociālās pavedināšanas mehānismi = Mechanisms of social seduction" as part of the discussion series "Bez punkta uz i = Without a dot on the i". The discussion is organised in cooperation with the State Research Programme "Vectors of Societal Cohesion", implemented by a consortium of researchers led by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia. The aim of the cooperation is to unite the forces of art and science by engaging a wide and diverse audience in an open, respectful and competent conversation on issues of importance for Latvian society. Moderated by Olga Dragiļeva, with Deniss Ševeļovs, Ieva Strode, Evita Puriņa, Zanda Rubene un Kārlis Bukovskis.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on Chekhov Theatre Youtube channel.
- A recording of the discussion (in Latvian) is available on LSM repository.
In cooperation with New Theatre Institute of Latvia
- On 3 August 2024, the Democracy Festival in Kuldīga, in collaboration with the Latvian New Theatre Institute, organised an event - DemArt pitching "Māksla dzīvespriekam Kuldīgā = Art for Fun in Kuldīga". The aim of the event was to apply and analyse original strategies for democratisation of culture and to promote the involvement of local communities in the creation of culture by creating a conversation with Kuldīga residents, representatives of the municipality and cultural organisations discussing what kind of public art Kuldīga residents want and whose voice is decisive in making these decisions. Organized by Igors Gubenko. Participants Vendija Bakanauskaite, Santa Remere, Kristīne Brīniņa, Elīna Beitika, Diāna Kondraša, Kaspars Lielgalvis.