State Research Programme "Development of a cohesive and civically active society" project 

Project title in Latvian: Sabiedrības saliedētības vektori: no saliedētības ap valstsnāciju (2012–2018) uz saliedēto pilsonisko kopienu valsts, sabiedrības un indivīdu drošības labā (2024–2025)

Project title in English: Vectors of societal cohesion: from cohesion around the nation-state (2012–2018) to a cohesive civic community for the security of the state, society and individuals (2024–2025)

Project number: VPP-KM-SPASA-2023/1-0002

Project implementer: University of Latvia (UL)

Project Lead: Māris Kūlis (UL)

The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology is the leading project implementing institution.

Project implementation period: 21.12.2023–20.12.2025

Total project funding: EUR 1 162 500