- Ireta Čekse. "Skolēnu pilsoniskā izglītība Latvijā: zināšanas, piederība un uzvedība. Starptautiskā pilsoniskās izglītības pētījuma (IEA ICCS) rezultāti = Civic Education of Students in Latvia: Knowledge, Belonging and Behaviour. Results of the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (IEA ICCS)". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Ina Druviete. "Valsts valoda kā simbols un instruments sabiedrības saliedētībai jeb kā neatkārtot kļūdas Latvijas sabiedrības integrācijas koncepcijā = The Official State Language as a Symbol and Tool for Social Cohesion, or How Not to Repeat Mistakes in the Concept of Integration of Latvian Society". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Ginta Elksne, co-author Maija Krūmiņa. "Nacionālās mutvārdu vēstures krājums kā resurss Latvijas iedzīvotāju identitātes un vērtību izpētē = National Oral History Archive as a Resource for Researchin the Identity and Values of the Latvian Population". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Līga Feldmane. "Sociāli telpiskie aspekti sabiedrības saliedētības izpētē = Socio-Spatial Aspects in the Research on Social Cohesion". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Igors Gubenko. "Saliedēta sabiedrība radikālās demokrātijas perspektīvā = A Cohesive Society in the Perspective of Racial Democracy". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Inta Mieriņa, co-author Mārtiņš Kaprāns, Ilze Koroļeva. "Vai Latvija kļūst saliedētāka un pilsoniski aktīvāka? Politikas progresa novērtējums = Is Latvia Becoming More Cohesive and Civically Active? Evaluating the Policy Progress". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Artūrs Kučs, co-author Jānis Pleps. "Konstitucionālā identitāte Satversmes tiesas un Augstākās tiesas judikatūrā = Constitutional Identity in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Maija Kūle. "Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūta pētījumi par sabiedrības integrāciju 1991–2023. Konceptuālās nostādnes = Studies of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology About the Integration of Society, 1991-2023. Conceptual Positions". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Rihards Kūlis. ""Krievu pasaules" koncepcija kā impērisma ideoloģija = The Concept of the "Russian World" as an Ideology of Imperialism". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Māris Kūlis. "Saliedētības idejas filozofiskie, teorētiskie, ideoloģiskie pamati un izaicinājumi = Philosophical, Theoretical, Ideological Foundations, and Challenges of the Idea of Cohesion". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Agnese Lastovska, co-authors Dace Medne, Gatis Lāma, Jana Grava. "Pilsoniskās kompetences loma augstākajā izglītībā ilgtspējīgas sabiedrības attīstībai: Latvijas augstākās izglītības analīze = The Development of Civic Competence in higher Education to Support a Sustainable Society: The Case of Latvian Higher Education". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Jānis Lazdiņš. "Sociālā drošība, apdrošināšana un saliedētība = Social Security, Isurance and Cohesion". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Kaspars Lielgalvis. "Atvērtās zinātnes un koprades prakse sabiedrības saliedētības ierosināšanā = Open Science and Co-Creation Practices for Fostering Social Cohesion". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Kitija Mirončuka. "Saliedēta sabiedrība kā iekļaujoša sabiedrība. Identitātes vērtības un rasisms = A Cohesive Society as an Incusive Society? Identity Values and Racism". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Mārtiņš Priedols. "Saistības starp psiholoģisko noturību, garīgo veselību, medijpratību un saliedētu, pilsoniski aktīvu sabiedrību = Relationships Between Resilience, Mental Health, Media Literacy and Cohesive, Civically Active Society". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Inese Ratanova, co-author Vladislavs Volkovs. "Latvijas sabiedrības konsolidācijas procesu attīstība tās sociāli ekonomiskajās praksēs = The Development of Latvian Society's Consolidation Processes in Its Socio-Economic Practices". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Daira Sergejeva. "Fiskālās politikas kolerācija ar sabiedrības uzticību valsts pārvaldei = Fiscal Policy Conflicts with Public Trust in Public Administration". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Signe Skutele. "Ar tiesu varu saistītu pamatprincipu ietekme uz sociāliaktīvu, saliedētu sabiedrību Latvijā = The Impact of the Fundamental Principles Related to the Judiciary on a Socially Active, Cohesive Society in Latvia". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Elvīra Šimfa. "Kritiskās domāšanas ietekme uz sabiedrības saliedētību = The Influence of Critical Thinking on Social Cohesion in Latvia". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Inese Šūpule. "Apdraudētais vairākums un pašpietiekamā minoritāte: integrācijas politikas galveno virzienu analīze Latvija = The Fragile Majority and the Self-Sufficient Minority: Analysis of the Main Directions of Integration Policy in Latvia". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Igors Šuvajevs. "Atmiņu teātris (pārklājatmiņas un aizstājidentitātes) = Theatre of Memories (Overlapping Memories and Substitute Identities)". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Marta Valdmane. "Valoda un kopiena: valodas vienojošais un šķeļošaisspēks = Language and Community: The Unifying and Divisive Power of Language". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Vectors of Cohesion Understanding for the Development of a Civically Active Society", 26–27 March 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Ina Druviete. "Embracing interculturality: “new multilingualism” and language policy challenges in Latvia." The 29th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies “Intercultural Encounters: Global perspectives – local contexts“. 18–20 September, 2024, Opole, Poland.
- Ina Druviete. "Linguistic diversity and language planning", nolasot referātu "35 years since reestablishment of Official language status for Latvian: A contemporary update on language policy." European Federation of National Institutions for Language (EFNIL) conference "Linguistic diversity and language planning". 23–26 September, 2024. Budapest.
- Ina Druviete. "Vēsturiskās atmiņas loma sabiedrības lingvistiskās integrācijas pamatnostādņu īstenošanā", RTU Liepaja Academy 29th International Scientific Conference "Vārds un tā pētīšanas aspekti = The Word: Aspects of Research". 28 November, 2024., Latvia, Liepāja.
- Ilze Koroļeva, co-author Ginta Elksne, Maija Krūmiņa. "Transcending Boundaries: Navigating Identity and Belonging in Latvian Migration Narratives". 18th International Conference: Language, Individual & Society, 21–24 August, 2024, Burgas, Bulgaria.
- Maija Kūle. "Hegel Today and the Influence of Kote Bakradze's Studies of Hegel and Husserl for Modern Interpretation of Society". International conference “Philosophy and Modernity” organised by the Institute of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities of Tbilisi State University. 14–15 November, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- Māris Kūlis. "From Sacred Rites to Secular Hobbies: Redefining Cultural Values in the Modern Age". 25th World Congress of Philosophy, 1–8 August, 2024, Rome, Italy.
- Agnese Lastovska, co-author Gatis Lāma. "Fostering Initiative and Action-Oriented Mindsets for a Civically Engaged Society". 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 1–3 July, 2024, Palma, Spain.
- Kaspars Lielgalvis. "Creation of Vibrant Cultural Venues in Former Industrial Sites". International Cultural Forum "Cultural Heritage, Challenges and Opportunities" in Moldova (Forumul Cultural Internațional "Patrimoniul Cultural, Provocări și Oportunități"), 18–19 April, 2024, Moldova.
- Kitija Mirončuka. "Ethical Implications Of Societal Cohesion: Racism, Responsibility And Violence". 25th World Congress of Philosophy, 1–8 August, 2024, Rome, Italy.
- Jānis Pleps. "Building Constitutional identity: case-study of Latvia". Rīgas Juridiskās augstskolas starptautiskā konference "Governing Remembrance: Collective Memory, the Public Sphere and Law", 25 May, 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Elvīra Šimfa. "Sociālās atmiņas subversīvas pārskatīšanas sabiedrības saliedēšanas potenciāls = The Role of a Subversive Social Memory Analysis in Strengthening Social Cohesion". 27. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference "Sabiedrība un kultūra: sociālā atmiņa un mūsdienas". 30-31 March, 2024, Liepāja, Latvia.
- Vladislavs Volkovs. "Ethic and Ethnic values in Latvian society". Baltic International Academy XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Time of Challenges and Opportunities: Challenges, Solutions, Perspectives", 10–11 May 2024, Riga, Latvija. Programma.
- Vladislavs Volkovs. "The Education System in Latvia as a Means of Realizing Students’ Favorable Outcomes". III International scientific and practical conference "American standards of agricultural education in Ukraine". Kyiv Agrarian University of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. 14 July, 2024.
- Vladislavs Volkovs, Inese Ratanova. "Peculiarities of Organizational Culture in Latvia in the Context of Ethnic Identity and Ethos of Employees". International Scientific-Practical Conference on Economy and Ecology: "Economy and Ecology: Sustainable Management of National Resources". 3–4 October, 2024.
- Ina Druviete. "Simbolisko un pragmatisko aspektu kolīzija Latvijas valodas politikā". 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Revīzija pašizpratnei un valstsgribai", 4 April, 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Maija Kūle. "Mediju pasaule: viedokļu burzma vai ideju attīstība? Ko vajag Latvijai?" 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Revīzija pašizpratnei un valstsgribai", 4 April, 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Māris Kūlis. "Rakstīt divreiz: akadēmiskie pētījumi saprotamā zinātnē". Conference "Sabiedriskā zinātne (Citizen Science) Latvijā", 14 March, 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Jānis Lazdiņš. "Valsts organizētas sociālās apdrošināšanas likumdošanas reformu mācības, problēmas un piedāvātie risinājumi" . 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Faculty of Law section "Likumdošanas process un rezultāts Latvijā: pagātnes mācības, mūsdienu tendences, problēmas un risinājumi (tiesību vēsturē, teorijā, filozofijā, ētikā un socioloģijā)", 15 March, 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Kaspars Lielgalvis. "Atvērtā zinātne praksē: kultūras dzīves iedzīvināšana un saliedētības meklējumi, radošums un UrbCulturalPlanning pieredze." Conference "Sabiedriskā zinātne (Citizen Science) Latvijā", 14 March, 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Kitija Mirončuka. "Miers un atbildība, saliedētība: diskusija par rasismu un vardarbību." Filozofijas doktorantu sekcija "Prāts un miers", 21 March, 2024, Riga, Latvia.
- Vladislavs Volkovs. "Sociālā solidaritāte ekonomiskās prakses kontekstā: Jirgena Hābermāsa versija", 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, section "Cilvēksituācija konfliktu un krīžu kontekstā: aktuālie pētījumi socioloģijā un mutvārdu vēsturē | The Human Situation in the Context of Conflict and Crisis: Current Research in Sociology and Oral History", April 11, 2024, Riga, Latvia.