- Original research articles submitted or accepted for publication, or published in the Q1 or Q2 journals or conference proceedings listed in the Web of Science or SCOPUS databases

  • Medne, Dace, Agnese Lastovska, Gatis Lāma, and Jana Grava. 2024. The Development of Civic Competence in Higher Education to Support a Sustainable Society: The Case of Latvian Higher Education. Sustainability, 16 (6): 2238. DOI: 10.3390/su16062238 (Scopus Q2, Journal CiteScore 6.8 in 2023)
  • Toms Rostoks, Inta Mieriņa. (2024). NATO’s reassurance and the willingness to defend one’s country: survey evidence from Latvia. European Security, 1–21. DOI: 10.1080/09662839.2024.2434087 (Scopus Q1, Journal CiteScore 4.1. in 2023)

- Original research articles submitted or accepted for publication, or published in other journals or conference proceedings included in the Web of Science or SCOPUS databases

  • Artūrs Kučs un Jānis Pleps. Constitutional Identity Between Riga and Strasbourg: The Courts’ Dialogue Developing Latvian Constitutional Law. Journal of the University of Latvia. Law. 2024, No. 17, 193–208. DOI: 10.22364/jull.17.12 (Scopus)
  • Jānis Lazdiņš. Experience of Reforms to the State Social Insurance in the Republic of Latvia after Restoring the Independence of the State de facto. Journal of the University of Latvia. Law, 2024, No. 17, 178–192. DOI: 10.22364/jull.17.11 (Scopus)

- Other peer-reviewed original research articles in other scientific journals and collections of articles (excluding conference article collections), with an international editorial board

  • Inese Šūpule. Apdraudētais vairākums un pašpietiekamā minoritāte: integrācijas politikas galveno virzienu analīze Latvijā. Akadēmiskā Dzīve, 60: 60.–70. lpp. (ISSN 2592-9429 (online)) DOI: 10.22364/adz.60.06 (EBSCOhost)

- Original research articles submitted or accepted for publication, or published in journals or conference proceedings listed in the ERIH PLUS database

  • Ilze Koroļeva, Maija Krūmiņa, Ginta Elksne. Transcending Boundaries: Navigating Identity and Belonging in Latvian Migration Narratives. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society, 18, 200–217. (ISSN 1314-7250) DOI: 10.62991/LIS1996421493 (ERIH PLUS).

- Other peer-reviewed scientific articles in Latvian magazines and collections of articles, except for conference materials

  • Vladislavs Volkovs. "Etnisko un nacionālo grupu kā morālu kopienu izpratne socioloģiskajā domā: Bernards Jaks un Jirgens Hābermāss," Izaicinājumi Eiropas kultūrai vēsturē un mūsdienās : LU Humanitāro zinātņu fakultātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūta rakstu krājums. Rīga: LU HZF Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2024, 174.–184. lpp.