The SRP project involves not only active research, but also open science communication with the residents of Čiekurkalns, Gulbene and Liepāja. The aim is to foster broader communication between the residents and the regions, strengthening the cohesion between residents and also developing new methods for science communication between researchers and residents.

Under the supervision of open science expert Kaspars Lielgalvis project aims to publish newspaper made by and aimed for residents of above-mentioned regions.

Kaspars notes: "Together with culture activist Linda Ulāne from Liepāja and Herta Pugača from Gulbene parish forests, within the framework of this project, we will try to activate the cultural life in one of Riga's micro-districts – Čiekurkalns, in Jaunliepāja area in Liepāja and Gulbene city and parish. We will use the method developed within Urb Cultural Planning project. Together with local residents, we collect information about local cultural opportunities and try to inform every member of society about it. We ask their interests. We will introduce residents to each other according to their interests and support them in starting new cultural activities. Together with the researchers, we observe what works and what does not."

On June 2024 the first culture newspaper "Čiekurkalna kultūra = Čiekurkalns culture" was published. In the production participated residents of Čiekurkalns and Kaspars Lielgalvis.

On August 2024 the first culture newspaper "Gulbenes novada kultūra = Gulbene parish culture" was published. In the production participated Gulbene parish and city residents, open science experts Kaspars Lielgalvis and Herta Pugača, and layout designer Ilze Vanaga.

Aswell on August 2024 the first culture newspaper "Jaunliepājas kultūra = Jaunliepāja culture" was published. In the production participated Jaunliepāja residents, open science experts Kaspars Lielgalvis and Linda Ulāne, and layout designer Artis Kuprišs.